My sons football team played Manchester United football academy team. After the game i asked, who won?…. I won’t tell you the answer now.
Football is a finite game but business and life is an infinite game. Let me explain the difference.
According to James P. Carse in his fascinating book ‘Finite And Infinite Games’
Defined finite games as “ a finite game is one that has fixed rules, known players, and a clear endpoint. The primary objective of participants in a finite game is to win within the confines of those rules.
Key characteristics of finite games include:
Fixed Rules: Finite games have predefined rules that govern the actions and behaviors of the players. These rules establish what is considered permissible and impermissible within the game.
Known Players: Participants in a finite game are aware of who the other players are. The identities of the players are typically established at the outset of the game.
Clear Endpoint: Finite games have a definite conclusion or endpoint. This endpoint may be reached when a player achieves victory according to the game's rules or when a predetermined time limit is reached.
Focus on Winning: In finite games, the primary focus of the players is to win or achieve a specific outcome within the boundaries of the game. Winning often involves outperforming or defeating other players.
Examples of finite games include sports competitions, board games, card games, and many other structured activities where participants engage with the intention of achieving victory within a defined set of rules and constraints.
He defined Infinite games as: Infinite game, the objective is not to win, as in a finite game, but rather to keep the game going and ensure its continuity. The focus is on perpetuating the play, not reaching a specific endpoint or defeating other players.
Key characteristics of infinite games include:
Continuous Play: Infinite games have no predetermined endpoint. Players engage in the game with the intention of sustaining play indefinitely.
Changing Rules: Unlike finite games with fixed rules, the rules of an infinite game may evolve over time. Players may adjust or adapt the rules to keep the game dynamic and ongoing.
Inclusion of New Players: Infinite games are open to new participants joining at any time. The game accommodates the entry of new players, and the objective is to ensure the continuation of play rather than achieving victory over others.
Focus on Perpetuation: The primary focus of an infinite game is to perpetuate play itself rather than achieving a specific outcome. Success in an infinite game is measured by the ability to keep the game going and maintain its vitality.
Examples of infinite games include relationships, education, business, and life itself. In these contexts, the goal is not to "win" or reach a final destination but rather to engage in continuous learning, growth, adaptation, and collaboration to sustain meaningful and fulfilling experiences over time.
If you adapt the FINITE GAME MINDSET you see business as a winner takes all mentality that’s good but it has its limits. However if you have an INFINITE GAMES MINDSET which really is the abundance mindset your choose cooperation over competition, constant growth over stagnation.
“Out of abundance we took abundance still abundance remain”
Infinite games make you compete with yourself. You’re always thinking about how to incrementally get better
Improving your service delivery to your clients
What can you improve today that’ll make your clients life better? Faster delivery, stronger products, delivering on the promise
Infinite games make you cooperate, compete.
Cooperate with your clients by doing a poll to know their pain, challenges and design products and services to remove them.
One challenge i know people have is the time to read books that can improve their business. That is one of the reasons i started my whatsapp group/ book club 4 years ago with 400+ people in it. Join us in our next book review ( We will be reviewing PSYCHO CYBERNETICS) on April 15. Here is the link to join Sales factory whatsapp/bookclub
What do your customers want?
What can noticeably improve their lives?
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